
lip work:

1. Kissing. See kiss for synonyms.

2. An act of sexual-intercourse , based on a pun on lips and labia . See copulation for synonyms.

3. Oral sex , especially cunnilinction . See cunnilingus for synonyms.

See Also: achilous, afternoon gig, bankside lady, BJLs, BLJ, boogie lips, bremelo, cheilophilous, cheiloproclitic, chicken lips, chicken rancher, daytimer, drive one's hos, DSL, get it together, hawk one's brown, hawk one's meat, hawk one's pearly, he-blow, head cook and bottle washer, high forehead, hose job, inner lips (of the vagina), inner vulvar lips, inside lips (of the vagina), kissers, kissonyms, knobble, labia, labia majora, labia minora, labial, lappers, lip fuzz, lip-sucking kiss, lips, live by the trade, major lips (of the vagina), minor lips (of the vagina), MLA, night job, outer lips (of the vagina), outer vulvar lips, ownio, panel worker, peddle one's ass, peddle one's butt, peddle one's hips, peddle one's meat, peddle one's wares, peddle pussy, receding hairline, rubies, sherry flips, smackers, street trick, trick suit, trod the boards, trod the planks, vaseline lips, Virginia Maylips, vulva, walk the pavement, walking the street(s), warpath lips, work from the book, work one's ass off, work the cuts, working inside, working outside, working the bricks, working the street(s), working woman

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